About Us


ICSG would like to recognize the traditional territory of the Indigenous Peoples and pay tribute to the many people of African descent.

Land Acknowledgement-Toronto

 The City of Toronto acknowledges that we are on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis. We also acknowledge that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit.

African Ancestral Acknowledgement-Toronto

The City of Toronto acknowledges all Treaty peoples – including those who came here as settlers – as migrants either in this generation or in generations past – and those of us who came here involuntarily, particularly those brought to these lands as a result of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and Slavery. We pay tribute to those ancestors of African origin and descent.

Our Philosophy

We are a non-profit organization and we operate five Child Care Centres in Toronto. We are licensed by the Ministry of Education.

Ideal Child Services Group provides high-quality care and a positive learning environment for all Children.

We strive to enhance all levels of Children’s development, with programming geared to every developmental stage. Through play experiences and the guidance of professionally trained Staff, the Children are exposed to challenging educational activities that stimulate:

  • a positive attitude towards learning
  • decision making capabilities
  • interaction with , and respect for, others
  • physical activity that develops gross motor skills
  • communication skills
  • fine-motor development
  • curiosity, initiative and independence

We are committed to facilitating an environment that will provide an opportunity for the Parent/Guardian, Staff and Supporting Agencies to access resources for all Children.

We strive to work collaboratively with the Parent/Guardian as we recognize their importance to any approach which may enhance the outcome of a Child’s development.

It is the expectation that all Staff of Ideal Child Services Group work together to respect the rights, diversity and dignity of everyone within its community to ensure a harmonious and caring environment.

We believe in quality child care for your children. We sincerely appreciate the confidence that parents display in us by placing their children in our care. We will do the utmost to deserve that confidence. Our motto is … “If you are not happy, we are not happy”.

We encourage all new Clients who express an interest in placing their Child at any of our Centres to visit the facility to give us an opportunity to showcase all the features of our Centres’ daily operations. The visit will include a guided tour of the Centre as well as a presentation of our unique, and enriched Educational Programs. 

Ideal Child Services Group operates five licensed Child Care Centres in the City of Toronto. Three of these centres are located in Public Schools.

All our centres have continued to meet the needs of the communities that they serve. Under our experienced management team and dedicated teachers, the centres have maintained stable enrolment, and have excellent reputations, thanks to the unique program we offer to our children.


Ideal Child Services Group operates licensed child care facilities. Licenses are renewed annually upon inspection and approved by the Ministry of Education. Appointed Program Advisors visit the centres, usually unannounced, to enforce the requirements of the Child Care Early Years Act and to verify that each centre complies with the C.C.E.Y.A requirements.

Toronto Children’s  Services (T.C.S)

The Toronto Children’s Services Division promotes and funds quality child care for families residing in the City of Toronto. Subsidized child care is a program that assists eligible parents with the cost of child care (for parent, foster parent or legal guardian of a child 0-12 years of age who resides with you). If you require financial assistance in meeting the cost of Child Care, contact the Kids Line at 416 392 KIDS (416 392 5437) for more information. You can also visit their website at  www.toronto.ca/children.

Ideal Child Services Group has a “Purchase of Services Agreement” with Toronto Children’s Services. Toronto Children’s Services approves subsidy for families who qualify for subsidized financial assistance.

An appointed Intake Worker takes care of approving Children’s placement in our Centres. A Children Services Consultant, assigned to each Centre, monitors the Budget and inspects the site, usually visiting unannounced, to ensure we meet or exceed the requirements of the City of Toronto Assessment for Quality Improvements.

Public Health and Fire Departments

Our centres are inspected by Public Health Inspectors, who examine our compliance with sanitary procedures, cleanliness, health and safety policies and procedures in the centres.

We must have a clear report with no record of violations, from both the Public Health and Fire Departments before our annual license can be renewed.

The Agencies described above have a vital role in the day-to-day operations of Ideal Child Services Group Centres.  We rely heavily on the different areas of expertise, and we consider each Agency an excellent resource.

Access and Equity

We focus on the belief that every Child / Adult is unique with individual strengths and competencies. All Children / Adults are entitled to equal access to resources that will help them develop to their maximum potential. We are committed to facilitating an environment that will provide resources for all Children / Adults.

Program Development

Programs are evaluated regularly to reflect changes within the Child Care Early Years Act and to reflect new research in the field of Early Childhood Education. ICSG Staff attend workshops to upgrade their skills and implement new and fresh ideas to the programming.

Each of our programs encourages Children to be actively involved in the learning process. Teachers provide Children with activities to nurture the intellectual, physical, social and emotional growth. We believe that every Child is unique with individual strengths and competencies.

We strongly encourage Parents/Guardians to arrive prior to 9:00 a.m. as the educational segment of the daily Program commences at that time.  In the event of late arrival, the Parent/Guardian should escort the Child into the room with minimal disruption to the Program in session.

At regular intervals throughout the year, newsletters are provided, informing Parents/Guardians of topics of interest, events, and Centre news.

Teaching Staff

ICSG Staff are all warm, caring, nurturing individuals who have a strong commitment to providing high-quality care for Children and have a vast range of abilities, education, and experience.

The Lead Teachers in all classrooms are fully qualified Early Childhood Education graduates and are registered with the College of Early Childhood Educators. In addition, most of our R.E.C.E`s are trained in the Montessori method of teaching. Some of our Assistant Teachers are also qualified R.E.C.E graduates, and some are in training.  Each Staff member is required to have a valid Standard First Aid/CPR certificate.

Parent Involvement

The Parent/Guardian is encouraged to become involved in the Centre in some of the following ways:

  • Become a Member of the Parent Committee
  • Join the Fund-Raising activities of the Centre
  • Assist on as a Volunteer
  • Attend special events
  • Forward suggestions regarding the Centre operations to the Supervisor

The Parent/Guardian may visit the Centre and participate in the daily program pending the Supervisor’s approval.

Centre Operation

The Centre is open Monday – Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

The Centre will be closed on the following holidays [no fee reduction]:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Family Day
  • Good Friday
  • Victoria Day
  • Canada Day
  • Summer Civic Holiday
  • Labour Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day
  • Boxing Day

The Centres will also close early on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.

Should the Centre be closed as a result of any Labour Dispute or any emergency disaster such as fire, flood, inclement weather etc, Parents/Guardians will be responsible for making alternate Child Care arrangements. In the event of such service disruption the Management will endeavour to a provide Parents/Guardians with as much notice as possible.

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors includes Parents/Guardians and Community Members.  Names of the Directors are posted at each Centre.  Parents/Guardians are encouraged to apply to join the Board.


Ideal Child Services Group is committed to:

  • Providing quality child care to all children under its care without bias, in a safe and secure environment
  • The belief that every child is unique with individual competencies and all children are entitled to equal access to resources that will nurture and enrich their physical, intellectual and emotional experiences
  • Working together with the community to facilitate a childcare environment that is responsive to the community’s diversity
  • Ensuring that all of its Staff and prospective Clients who have a disability are treated with respect, dignity and independence consistent with the core values underlying the Accesbility for Ontarions with Disabilities Act, 2015 and the Integrated Accessibility Standards adopted as a regulation under AODA.

Multi-Year Plan

ICSG is committed to ensuring that all of its employees and prospective employees who have a disability are treated with respect, dignity and independent consistent with the core values underlying the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and the Integrated Accessibility Standard adopted as a regulation under AODA. This Multi-Year Accessibility Plan outlines ICSG strategy to prevent and remove barriers to accessibility and describes [x] approach to complying with the applicable legal and regulatory framework, including those set out in human rights and accessibility-related legislation. This Plan will be reviewed and updated at least once in every five years consistent with the IAS requirements.

ICSG welcomes feedback in relation to this Plan, and will provide this Plan in alternate formats upon request.  Our Accessibility Policy, Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, feedback and document request procedure are available from the Supervisor/ Executive Director.

Where this Plan specifies that documents, alternative formats or communication supports are available upon request, such requests should be directed to Supervisor/ Program Manager, or in writing to Supervisor/Program Manager.

Consistent with the requirements set out under the IAS regulation, ICSG will implement the following policy, practices and procedures in accordance with the compliance dates set out in the IAS regulation.

Get in touch now!


We would be happy to answer your questions and get you started with our Child Care Services!

About us